Author: admin

Bold design, innovative features, developed for education/academic websites. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla onsequat massa quis enim. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumquer nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat 
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St. Hilary’s Amazing Fiesta will be held on Friday 7th April in the Academic Community Hall of Hong Kong Baptist University. The magnificent Fiesta will be performed by students from our kindergartens and primary school. Parents please stay tuned for more details.
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呼應教局STEM政策 德萃選30學生學製無人機 – 東方日報 (5/1/2017) 飛機點解會飛? 小學生自己砌機找答案 – 經濟日報 (5/1/2017) 德萃學生學製無人偵察機 – 星島日報 (6/1/2017)  小學生造無人機習科學 北京航大博士指導﹕不要小覷孩子 – 明報 (6/1/2017) 德萃推無人機建造計劃 – 文匯報(6/1/2017) 小學生建造無人機 學科學數理 – 晴報 (6/1/2017) 呼應教局STEM政策 學童組裝無人機 – 大公報 (6/1/2017)
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注:以下文章轉載自張灼祥校監於頭條日報的專欄(面對面) 面對面——陳美齡:陪着孩子成長的母親 2016-11-02 面對面——賓‧桑達:釋放潛能 2016-10-12 面對面——謝文欣:歌聲有真意 2016-10-05 面對面——曾廣財:氣定神閒雲霄上 2016-09-28 面對面——關宗琴、練致和:不可兒戲 2016-09-14 面對面——關嘉利:7年的苦與甜 2016-09-07 面對面——鄭曉蔚:來自母親的鼓勵 2016-08-24 面對面——陳志發:成長的故事 2016-08-17 面對面——蕭凱恩:唱出來的光明 2016-08-03 面對面——沈集成:與馬兒一起放暑假 2016-07-27 面對面——鍾禮陽‧張健達 隊長‧薪火相傳 2016-07-20 面對面——項明生:帶着好書去旅行 2016-07-13 面對面——歐鎧淳:游出生命彩虹 2016-06-29 面對面——辯論隊:打那美好的一仗 2016-06-22 面對面——陳錫灝:捕捉世界的光與影 2016-06-08 面對面——王合安‧林天恩‧吳鍶淇:閱讀‧書寫‧辯論 2016-05-11
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Special Arrangement of Admissions Briefing Sessions during Tropical Cyclone / Rainstorm: All briefing sessions will be postponed when Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is effective at 5:30 a.m. on Saturday, 22nd October. 招生簡介會在惡劣天氣下的特別安排: 倘於簡介會當天上午5時30分仍然懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號或黑色暴雨警告,全日所有場次的簡介會將會延期舉行。
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St. Hilary’s Kindergarten and Nursery, and St. Hilary’s Primary School are governed by experienced educators and administrators who ensure that the schools are well-managed and adhere to the School Mission. We are pleased to announce that Dr Vitus Leung, JP, has recently accepted to be our Honorary Advisor. Dr Leung 
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Click here for online reservation 按此進行網上登記留座 Note: The 1st and 4th Briefing sections are FULL. Parents can select the 2nd or 3rd section. 注意: 第一及第四場簡介會已經額滿。家長可選擇第二 或 三 場次.
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Click here to download the Grade One Admission Application Form 2017-18  
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